They don’t understand how hard it is to get up every day,
when you have no energy to get out of bed;
and they don’t understand how every day’s a struggle,
when you can’t get PCOS and babies out of your head.

They don’t understand how hearing “you might not have children”,
made my fragile heart shatter and break;
and they don’t understand how hard it is to smile sometimes,
Guess what – most days it’s fake!

They don’t understand I’m happy they’re pregnant,
though inside a bit more of my heart just died;
and they don’t understand it reminds me how broken I am,
and how many tears I’ve cried.

They don’t understand how easy it is to pile on pounds,
or how hard it is just to lose a little weight,
and they don’t understand having to eat healthily,
when all I want is carbs all over my plate.

They don’t understand waking up every day
to find hair sprouting in places it shouldn’t grow;
and they don’t understand how being hairy makes me feel,
well, I feel ugly, they’ll never really know.

They don’t understand I know I need to exercise,
but can’t find the motivation or energy to start;
and they don’t understand how heavy I feel,
in my body, my head and my broken heart.

They don’t understand the darkness, the disappointment,
the lonely empty space once filled with hope;
and they don’t understand the depression or the moods,
or how some days it is just so hard to cope.

They don’t understand how when I told them I have PCOS,
how embarrassed I was to admit I was broken;
and they don’t understand how actually telling someone,
makes the pain more real after the words have been spoken.

They don’t understand that when my period arrives,
I’m happy and sad all rolled in to one;
and they don’t understand I’m happy my body’s working,
but that my hopes of a baby for yet another month are gone.

They don’t understand the endless battle to control my emotions,
how hard it is not to just sit down and admit defeat;
and they don’t understand how hard it is to get through a day without falling,
then have to get up again the next and repeat.

They don’t understand the water retention, brain fog, spots,
and all the other joys of PCOS living;
and they don’t understand how hard it is to conquer,
PCOS just keeps giving and giving.

They don’t understand how strong I am and I won’t be beaten,
PCOS may win some battles, but it won’t win the war;
and they don’t understand how I get so tired sometimes,
still fighting on when your wounds are so raw.

They don’t understand if I’m moody or feeling down,
I need patience, extra love, or just a hand;
and they’ll never know how hard it was to share all this,
but I hope it will help them understand.



The Scrambled Egg

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The Boring But Necessary Disclaimer Bit… Any content or products featured on The Scrambled Egg blog are purely my views, opinions and choices.  They are not recommendations and are for information only purely to show you my journey with PCOS and any steps I take to get control of my PCOS. I am not a doctor and am not medically qualified so medical advice should always be taken before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.  Please do your own research.  I accept no liability for losses or injuries caused from the user’s reliance on information on this site. Some blog posts may contain affiliate links.  I cannot accept any liability or responsibility for any products or sites featured or for any sellers.